Thursday, April 28, 2011

Brotherhood leader: Islam is the answer to price hikes

<p>جانب من مؤتمر الجماهيري لجماعة الإخوان المسلمين، إمبابة، الجيزة، 14 أبريل 2011. عقدت جماعة الإخوان المسلمين مؤتمراً جماهيرياً تحت عنوان: «من نحن.. وماذا نريد؟» يهدف إلى التعريف بالجماعة وأهدافها، والقضايا التي ستتبناها خلال الفترة المقبلة التي من أهمها حماية الثورة وتطوير الجماعة ومؤسساتها وهياكلها، وتحقيق مشروع النهضة للأمة بالإسلام، وصبغ الشعب بصبغة الإسلام.</p>
Photographed by محمد كمال
A Muslim Brotherhood member presented Islam as an economic solution during a conference in Daqahlia Governorate Tuesday.

Talaat al-Shennawy, head of the Brotherhood's Daqahlia office, said Egypt could curb price increases by following God's rules.

Shennawy said the greatness of Islam lies in it being a comprehensive religion that embraces all fields of life. He said people should apply all Islamic orders rather than just the ones they like.

In apparent conflicting messages, the Brotherhood said during another conference in Minya that it does not want religion to govern the state.

"The Brotherhood will opt for a civilian state and is seeking a strong parliament, as well as municipal councils free of bribery and nepotism, that can address citizens' needs," said Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie.

Brotherhood member al-Sayyed Talaat also called on all Egyptians to participate in rebuilding the country and said the group is always ready for cooperation.

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