Friday, May 20, 2011

NY: A Quick Look at Columbia University’s Muslim Students Association


By admin

In the past I have written numerous articles that show us that Islamic organizations, Mosques, and madrassas (Islamic schools) in America are not teaching Muslims to assimilate. They are being taught to stand with Islam above all. Today we will take a look at Columbia University’s Muslim Students Association (MSA). An association that was formed to unite Muslims in an effort to expand the reach of Islam.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful
And hold fast, all together, to the rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah’s favor on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, you became brethren; and you were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make His signs clear to you, so that you may be guided. (Qur’an, Surah 3, Verse 103)
Constitution of the Muslim Students Association of Columbia University
We, the Muslim students of Columbia University, have agreed to and have adopted the present Constitution and do hereby establish an organization to be known as the Muslim Students Association, hereinafter called the Association.

The aim and purpose of the Association is to serve the best interests of Islam and of the Muslims of Columbia University and Morningside Heights. Towards this end, the Association shall:
1. Arrange and hold weekly Jummah prayers for students and members of the community throughout the year.
2. Arrange and hold other congregational prayers and Islamic religious celebrations at appropriate times.
3. Promote unity and joint action among Muslims through various religious, social, and other programs.
4. Strengthen interfaith relations on and off campus.
Interfaith dialogue is one of the strongest weapons in the Islamic arsenal. As non-Muslims are eager to hear what they want to told be told, and that is exactly what Muslims are telling them across the country. The results are that non-Muslims are dropping their guard in the war with Islam.
5. Endeavor to make Islamic teachings known to other communities
The Association shall be a non-profit organization. In all matters, Inshallah, the Association shall act in accordance with Islam and shall shun any practices that are contrary to Islam.
It doesn’t sound like they have too much interest in assimilating, does it?
ARTICLE III: Membership
A member shall be any Muslim or non-Muslim who wishes to be a member of the Association, and agrees to obey the constitution and the generally-accepted practices of the Association.
This is an attempt to get non-Muslims used to living under the rules of Islam.
ARTICLE VII: Impeachment Procedures

Impeachment procedures are provided as an utterly final resort, and every attempt should be made to correct any problem through other avenues.
An Executive Committee member may be removed from office for neglecting responsibilities (e.g. excessive absence), misdemeanor, misappropriation of funds, fraud, corruption, violation of the Constitution, and cover-up of such offenses, etc. In addition, an Executive Committee member may be removed for violating Islamic principles or laws that deem them unworthy to serve as a leader of Muslims, or for representing the Association in a fashion that is uncharacteristic of Islamic principles.
As you can plainly see they are all about Islam, and not American principles. The infiltration is clear.

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