Monday, April 11, 2011

Brazilian school massacre perpetrated by Muslim

The media is doing their best to silence this story. From sheikyermami, Jihad in Rio (Revisited).
Eleven students shot dead in a school in Rio de Janiero. The man may have been mad, but his choice of faith is interesting: Islam
The young man is a Muslim who converted to Islam some time ago. (Al Arabiya)
The gunman’s sister, Rosilane Menezes, said in an interview with Radio Band News, that her adoptive brother was strange, reserved and had no friends. “He was so focused on things related to Islam and had let his beard grow long. It was weird, was on the internet all day reading issues and it was very strange, very secretive,” she said. (Andrew Bolt)
His sister said “he appeared to have got closer to Islam and spent all his time on the internet
I had to go to Al Arabiya to find out that he was a convert to Islam, that the letter said that Islam was the true religion and that the letter glorified terrorism and suicide bombings. (Elder)
Muslim Burial Demands:
“You should first know that the impure cannot touch me without gloves, only the chaste or those who lost their chastity after marriage and were not involved in adultery can touch me without gloves, or, in other words, no fornicator or adulterer can have direct contact with me, nor anything that is impure can touch my blood, nothing impure can have direct contact with a virgin without his permission, those who prepare my burial should take off all my clothes, wash me, dry me and wrap me totally naked in a white sheet that is in this building, in a bag that I left in the first room on the first floor, after they have wrapped me in this sheet they can put me in my coffin…”
Brazil has a history of hiding acts of Islamic terrorism in the country.

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