Monday, May 23, 2011

2009 Killer Of Army Recruiter William Long Being Tried As ‘Street Thug’

A Muslim convert guns down army recruiters, declares jihad as his motive, claims he wanted to start a terror cell. Does the government call him a terrorist? No, he is a “street thug” who committed a drive-by shooting.
In June 2009 two army recruiters were gunned down in front of their recruiting office in Little Rock. Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula was wounded. Pvt. William Long was killed. Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, a convert to Islam, was arrested. Although there was ample reason to believe the shooting was politically and religiously motivated, the media was ho-hum about the story. President Obama addressed the crime only after a public outcry over his silence.
This was Obama’s statement in its entirety:
“I am deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence against two brave young soldiers who were doing their part to strengthen our armed forces and keep our country safe. I would like to wish Quinton Ezeagwula a speedy recovery, and to offer my condolences and prayers to William Long’s family as they mourn the loss of their son.”
The media generally reported Muhammad as “upset” with the military but it was all kind of vague as to what was bothering him. The Army Times was more forthcoming in their reporting. Muhammad may have been seeking out Jewish and Christian targets as well as military targets.
New info released on recruiting center suspect
A joint FBI-Homeland Security intelligence assessment obtained by The Associated Press said officers found maps to Jewish organizations, a child-care center, a Baptist church, a post office and military recruiting centers in the southeastern U.S. and New York and Philadelphia.
Abdulhakim Muhammad, 23, of Little Rock had targeted soldiers “because of what they had done to Muslims in the past,” authorities said, saying he had said he wanted to “kill as many people in the Army as he could.”
Justice is still pending after two years. Muhammad sent a letter to the judge last Friday demanding to be tried in a federal court rather than a state court. He says he wanted to start a terror cell. The shooting occurred at a federal facility and he was initially under federal investigation. Why is the case being tried in state court?
Murder suspect says he wanted to start terror cell
“The facility where the shooting took place was a federal building. The Army recruiters outside that federal building were federal employees,” Muhammad wrote. “I was under federal investigation at the time of the shooting by the FBI. Why then is this a state case in state court?”
Why indeed. The prosecuting attorney for Pulaski County says—
“I mean, his claims are just ridiculous. He’s nothing but a street thug and this is just a drive-by shooting. That’s our position and we’re sticking to it,” Jegley said.
Never mind that minutes after the arrest Muhammad said he was on a jihad in retaliation for what he saw as a war on Islam. He told AP that the shooting was revenge for Americans killing Muslims and he therefore doesn’t believe he is guilty of any crime.

Muhammad asked to fire his attorneys but the judge turned down his request. His attorneys plan to use the insanity defense. Muhammad points out he was examined by state doctors and found to be competent to stand trial.

There is something crazy about what’s happening here and it isn’t Muhammad. Our government is whitewashing an act of terror against members of the military just as they hope to do with the Fort Hood shooting. (The latest on that case.)

We are watching.

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