Gingrich — who was the speaker of the House when the original “Contract with America” was rolled out nearly twenty years ago — says his plan will “fundamentally change the trajectory of America” if implemented. He also says it may take him eight years in the White House to accomplish everything the plan sets out to do.
The plan remains a work in progress as Gingrich solicits ideas from voters and policy experts. Still, supporters say they are thrilled with the new document.
“While lots of people give pretty speeches from teleprompters, Newt is laying out a plan with substance for Iowans and Americans to see,” Linda Upmeyer, Gingrich’s Iowa campaign chairwoman, told the paper. “And he is asking for all of us to work with him to improve them moving forward.”
The new “Contract” begins with repealing President Obama’s health care law before moving on to tax reform, entitlement reform and a review of the Federal Reserve’s powers. The plan would allow Americans more flexibility in choosing health insurance and give them the option of paying taxes at either the current rate or pay a flat tax.
Gingrich also vows to veto any tax increase, open up more land to energy exploration and look for ways to cure diseases of the brain such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. “The section on brain science … will be extraordinary as it is flushed out over the next few months,” Gingrich told The Daily Caller in an interview on Tuesday.
A spokesman for Gingrich says the plan is more of an “open letter” that will be developed over time. Gingrich says he hopes to have the “Contract” finished by September 2012.
“I will need advice from state and local leaders and citizens,” he writes at the end of the document, “as we come together to identify what other responsibilities must be taken out of Washington and transferred to the states, or to the people.”
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